e-commerce copywriting mistakes and how to fix them

5 E-commerce Copywriting Mistakes That Are Costing You Sales (and How to Fix Them)

Let’s face it, running an online store is a marathon, not a sprint. You’ve hustled to secure amazing products, built a gorgeous site, and done everything possible to bring in clicks. And then… nothing. All those clicks and virtually nothing has been purchased. Why is that, exactly? Well, honestly, it might just be the words on your website.

Get this fact right, a massive 80% of site visitors who read your product descriptions will never buy anything. Frankly, that’s a lot of customers you’re losing out on. But the good news is it doesn’t have to be this way. After discovering these e-commerce copywriting mistakes most businesses make and learning how to fix them, you can turn those website visitors from a missed opportunity into real money.

This blog post will guide you to writing compelling copy that speaks directly to your target audience, ignites their desire, hook their attention, and converts them into loyal customers.

II. Top E-commerce Copywriting Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)

Have you ever come across a product page that seems like a dry academic text? You can be sure that sales will drop off those bland descriptions that only list characteristics without creating any enthusiasm. Never forget that customers purchase experiences and advantages rather than features. Below are the most common e-commerce copywriting mistakes affecting your conversions and how you can fix them.

Mistake #1: Generic and Uninspiring Product Descriptions

e-commerce copywriting: Generic and Uninspiring Product Descriptions

Take a minute to think about the last time you bought something from an online store. What made you choose to tap on the “Add to Cart” option? Chances are that it was not due to some intricate technical details. More likely than not, it was an overview that painted a good picture of the appearance of the item you wanted; hence influencing your choice to buy it.

Let’s analyze these two product descriptions to see which will entice a customer to click on the “Add to Cart” button.

  1. Running Shoes for Women: These thin sneakers are ideal for any kind of exercise.
  • With our Women’s Lightning Bolt Sneakers, you can experience the fun of every run. While the responsive cushioning easily drives you ahead, the breathable mesh top keeps your feet cool and comfortable. Whether you’re smashing a personal record or accomplishing your first 5K, these sneakers are going to be your favorite training companion

Do you notice the difference? The second description appeals to the user’s emotions, employs strong language, and emphasizes the benefits.

This is how to create engaging descriptions that highlight benefits and user experience:

  • Concentrate on how your product makes their lives better and solves their problems.
  • Allow the buyer to see themselves utilizing and taking pleasure in the item.
  • Make sure your words and tone speak to their particular requirements and preferences.
  • To make the product more relevant, create a story around its use case.

Instead of being a sleep aid, your product descriptions are meant to spark conversation. Your text will be appealing and convert well if you concentrate on the advantages and user experience.

Mistake #2: Lack of Urgency and Calls to Action (CTAs)

e-commerce copywriting: Lack of Urgency and Calls to Action

Imagine walking into a store that is overflowing with interesting products, but there are no salespeople in attendance. You’re prepared to buy and you have questions, but no one is there to help you over the finish line. This is precisely the situation that arises on e-commerce websites that lack or have weak calls to action (CTAs). The link between product search and purchasing choices is provided by CTAs. Whether you want a consumer to add an item to their basket, subscribe to your email, or claim a discount, they inform you exactly what to do next.

Let’s look at examples of a weak CTA and a strong CTA

Weak CTA: “Learn More”

This CTA fails because:

  • It’s unclear what “more” refers to.
  • It lacks any sense of urgency or motivation to take action.

Strong CTA: “Limited Time Offer! Get 20% off your Lightning Bolt Sneakers with code RUN20 at checkout. Don’t miss out!”

Why This CTA Works:

  • It clearly tells the customer what to do (use code RUN20 at checkout).
  • It highlights a special offer (20% discount) to incentivize action.
  • It creates a sense of urgency with the “Limited Time Offer” phrase.

This is how to write CTAs That Convert

  • Clearly explain to the consumer what you want them to do (add to cart, shop now, subscribe, etc.).
  • Expressions like “Hurry,” “Grab,” and “Claim” inspire a sense of urgency and demand quick response.
  • To make your CTAs attractive, highlight exclusive offers and limited-time discounts.

Don’t be scared to try out various CTA phrasing and formats to find what works best for your audience. To maximize the number of conversions from your CTAs, A/B testing can be an effective technique.

Mistake #3: Neglecting SEO Optimization

e-commerce copywriting: Neglecting SEO Optimization

Imagine your business being discreetly located on a side street, without any signs to draw in people. This results from e-commerce copywriting without considering Search Engine Optimization. In essence, SEO raises the position of your product descriptions in search engine results, which facilitates potential consumers’ ability to locate you. Consider keywords as the search phrases that consumers use to locate the products they seek.

Let’s analyze an example of a non-SEO product description and SEO product description for ‘Travel Backpack’

non-SEO product description: Travel Backpack: This backpack is perfect for any trip.

SEO product description: With the help of our All-Terrain Travel Backpack, you can explore the world with ease! This strong, water-resistant backpack has a ventilated back panel for comfort, several pockets for easy organization, and a built-in laptop sleeve for the contemporary traveler. It’s ideal for business travel, foreign explorations, and weekend vacations.

The difference is that the first description is general and lacks any keywords that people may use to search for a travel bag, which is how the two descriptions differ.
With pertinent phrases like “travel backpack,” “all-terrain,” “water-resistant,” “laptop sleeve,” etc., the second description is more likely to show up when potential buyers search for these terms.

This is how to create SEO-friendly E-commerce copywriting content

  • Find relevant keywords with a large search volume and little competition using SEO tools.
  • Don’t overuse keywords in your descriptions. Make sure the writing reads naturally and flows well by including them inadvertently throughout the story.
  • Long-tail keywords, or more focused phrases that target a more narrowly defined audience, should be included even when broad keywords might be competitive (e.g., “waterproof hiking backpack with laptop compartment”).
  • To improve SEO even further, add appropriate keywords to your picture alt tags, meta descriptions, and product titles.

You can help search engines understand what your products are about and connect with potential clients who are actively searching for what you offer by carefully integrating relevant keywords.

Mistake #4: Ignoring storytelling

e-commerce copywriting: Ignoring storytelling

People don’t just buy products; they buy into stories. We connect with emotions, aspirations, and experiences. This is where e-commerce copywriting mostly fails. Imagine a salesperson who, instead of describing the benefits of using his product, goes straight into a dry product specification.  Your product descriptions come to life via storytelling, which also helps you build a stronger bond with your audience.

The Power of Storytelling

  • Narratives trigger emotions in the audience, creating a bond between the product and the brand. Customers are more inclined to buy products from companies they identify with.
  • While facts are often overlooked, legends endure. You leave a lasting impression on potential consumers by creating a story around the products you sell.
  • Narratives can demonstrate how your product helps solve problems and accomplish objectives, which makes it a desirable choice.

Examples of E-commerce Storytelling

  • Patagonia: This outdoor clothing company is well-known for its potent environmental narrative, which links its goods to the wonder and excitement of the natural world.
  • Dollar Shave Club: Their relevant and humorous advertising efforts resonate with their target group by telling the tale of cost and convenience.
  • The Bouqs Co.: This online flower shop infuses their flower delivery service with sentimental remarks and romantic tales.

How to create an E-commerce copywriting story

  • Who is the perfect customer for you? What goals and difficulties do they face? Write a story centered on them.
  • How does your product help your customers to overcome their challenges and achieve their objectives? Emphasize this trip.
    Use language that triggers emotions, whether it’s confidence, excitement, or adventure.

You can craft an engaging tale that connects with your audience and increases sales by adding storytelling components to your product descriptions and marketing text.

Mistake #5: Ignoring Mobile Optimization

e-commerce copywriting: Ignoring Mobile Optimization

When you tried to enlarge a product image on your phone, do you recall that it just pixelated away? Yes, that is a certain method to drive away mobile users. Mobile surfing is the most popular way to browse the internet these days. You’re losing out on a ton of prospective consumers if your product descriptions and e-commerce website aren’t optimized for mobile devices.

Common issues with non mobile-friendly Descriptions

  • Text Overload: Dense paragraphs become unreadable on small screens.
  • Tiny Font Sizes: Squinting to read product details is a major turn-off.
  • Unclickable CTAs: Buttons too small or close together become impossible to tap on a phone.
  • Slow-loading images: Grainy, slow-loading images create a negative first impression.

This is how you can optimize your e-commerce copywriting for mobile

  • Clearly marked headers and bullet points can help break up lengthy information. Keep it brief and sweet.
  • Choose a mobile device-friendly font size that is easy to read.
  • Make sure the CTA buttons on your phone are big enough to be taped.
  • Images should be resized and compressed to guarantee quick loading times on mobile devices.
  • Make sure the layout of your website adapts to various screen sizes automatically to provide a smooth user experience.

You may develop a user-friendly experience that appeals to the ever-increasing audience of mobile browsers by giving mobile optimization top priority. Customers will be happy as a result, and engagement will rise, leading to an increase in conversions. Read more about copywriting mistakes to avoid in 2024

Chapter III. Conclusion: E-commerce Copywriting Mistakes That’s Costing You Sales

It should be obvious by now that strong e-commerce copywriting is essential to a successful online store. Robust product descriptions do more than just provide information; they pique interest, foster confidence, and eventually turn website visitors into devoted followers.
The world of e-commerce is dynamic, let’s face it. But you can create engaging stories that connect with your consumers and drive your online business toward long-term success by emphasizing excellent copywriting, knowing your target, and embracing the power of storytelling.

So, what are you waiting for? Start writing copy that converts today

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